I hate Monday.....I love my job but I truly hate Monday. Kids have to be up to go to school I have to be out of the house by 7 and I always have way too much to do every single morning. Today started a little earlier than expected. Why do you ask? Well....after getting up around 4:30 this morning to pee and to let our pooch out to do her business I returned to bed. Outside my window I would have sworn on a bible that it looked like two creatures sitting on my brick retaining wall in my yard. I realized rather quickly that it was just my eyes playing tricks on me (that is what I get for watching some stupid show on aliens last night with J on Netflix). I hurriedly get back in bed (my normal place, J's armpit, it's silently known that I'm not really allowed to sleep anywhere else). I start to nod off and I realize that I had woken J up but could tell by his breathing that he was starting to doze off again. Too my horror all of sudden I hear J scream. It's scream that he uses on our animals when he doesn't like what they are doing. I'm like what the hell is going on. I ask him what's up and he tells me their is a bear under our chest of drawers....huh? I then realize that he is obviously dreaming and somewhat chuckle to myself that he is not making any sense. See he almost always make sense so to be suddenly full of nonsense I find hysterical. Well at this rate I'm wide awake, he still isn't. So I lay there until my blood pressure comes down a notch just in time for him to finally wake up and tell me and I quote, "That was weird I was dreaming that we were trapping bears in the house and their was one under our chest of drawers and I couldn't get you to wake up." I'm like yeah I kind of gathered that, duh!
I reach for the trusty iPad so he and I can look up what trapping bears and bears mean. I was expecting something benign well I was mistaken... and to be honest I was shocked with the explanation.....It read something to the effect about obstacles being in his way and that he has been rather contemplative...uugghh. He then reminds me that he had a dream about a praying mantis being on our bed the night before. I now look up praying mantis in terms of dreaming and now it's an
explanation that he feels preyed upon and that he is in a destructive relationship. I start to cry..... Why you may ask? Things are not always sunshine and roses between J and myself and my life has been filled with my own self doubts of who I really am and this stuff just cuts me to the bone. I start to wonder if there is truly some validity to what they are describing. Maybe I do take advantage of him? Maybe I do take him for granted? My head just starts to spin...... J in true J fashion just laughs ( I love his laugh by the way it's amazing..... it's indescribable it's just got a good resonance to it and when he laughs I fall in love with him just a little bit more). I immediately lightened up and live to fight for our relationship another day.
I reach for the trusty iPad so he and I can look up what trapping bears and bears mean. I was expecting something benign well I was mistaken... and to be honest I was shocked with the explanation.....It read something to the effect about obstacles being in his way and that he has been rather contemplative...uugghh. He then reminds me that he had a dream about a praying mantis being on our bed the night before. I now look up praying mantis in terms of dreaming and now it's an
explanation that he feels preyed upon and that he is in a destructive relationship. I start to cry..... Why you may ask? Things are not always sunshine and roses between J and myself and my life has been filled with my own self doubts of who I really am and this stuff just cuts me to the bone. I start to wonder if there is truly some validity to what they are describing. Maybe I do take advantage of him? Maybe I do take him for granted? My head just starts to spin...... J in true J fashion just laughs ( I love his laugh by the way it's amazing..... it's indescribable it's just got a good resonance to it and when he laughs I fall in love with him just a little bit more). I immediately lightened up and live to fight for our relationship another day.
Uuuuugghhhh....can my life just be boring some days please?

All of this happened before 5:30 this morning! So now were both awake dreading the fact that it's now like 5 AM and we have to be up in like in an hour and neither one of us can sleep. I decide at 6 AM that I have had enough and I'm just going to get up. H is awake (shocker considering she is almost 17, I'm being sarcastic, she's awake because it takes her three years to crimp her hair to perfection.) I run around do a load of laundry, situate the animals and haphazardly throw my clothes on. J shoots me that grin that I love so much (that grin gets him out of more trouble with me than I care to admit). That smile morphs into our morning competition. What competition are you asking yourself? Well in the morning its an unspoken challenge to see who can leave the house first me and H or him.
It's very competitive....it's awesome.....he will do everything he can to delay me. From accusing meof losing his truck keys to wear is my hat and what did you do with work shirts. Honestly, I don't touch any of these items he is just ravenous when he comes home from work at 3 in the afternoon and he just sets things down in spots he doesn't remember. Well not today mister, I didn't fall for it, and I was out of the house first.....take that J!
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